Taking the Show on the Road
Join us at General Convention on Saturday (6/22) at 1 Eastern

My trip to Berkeley has turned this week into a time for low key, low effort housekeeping. So I'd like to use today's post to invite you to a little session I'm offering at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church, which kicks off late next week in Louisville, KY.
Please join me at the Gathering of Leaders booth (near as I can tell, this will be booth #1014 with the Episcopal Church Foundation, but I'll correct this post if I get new info) for a quick talk, fun conversation, and super brief Liturgy Illuminated sales pitch. 😉 Maybe I'll try to record it if my colleagues are open to that.
The topic? What we're up to here, of course. Here's the blurb:
Playing Our Way to a More Mature Faith
Saturday, June 22 at 1 pm Eastern Time in the Gathering of Leaders Booth
From Godly Play and sanctuary soft spaces to summer camp and game-filled youth rooms, the Episcopal Church rightly recognizes the value of nurturing a playful posture in faith formation with young people. But research suggests that play is an essential activity for learning, meaning making, and identity development throughout our spiritual journeys.
Building on his experience developing a liturgy teaching tool with playing cards, as well as other fun-forward collaborative learning projects, our host will make a case for adult play and convene a conversation about how to nurture playful learning in your congregation.
Kyle Oliver is an Episcopal priest, educational media producer and researcher, and creator of Liturgy Illuminated, A (Christian) Formation Playbook, and the documentary podcast Becoming Tapestry. He teaches Christian education at Church Divinity School of the Pacific and holds a doctorate in educational media from Teachers College, Columbia University. Kyle is visiting scholar in the Digital Futures Institute, a fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation, and founding producer of the iTunes-charting podcast The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry.