Forum Friday: Your Content Requests, Please!

Forum Friday: Your Content Requests, Please!

I've got lots of ideas for where to take A Christian Formation Playbook in the coming weeks and months, both in this newsletter iteration and hopefully soon as a podcast and eventually a book.

But I'm absolutely committed to the idea that this space will be a resource leaders use and benefit from if it carefully responds to the ideas and concern that y'all bring to this work we all do together.

So here's my first (of many) requests to you for requests to me.

  • What topics do you want me to cover?
  • What questions are currently captivating your attention?
  • What innovations are re-energizing your community?
  • Who else would you like to hear from?

Subscribers (free and paid) can use the comment button at the bottom of this post to add your ideas via Ghost. You'll probably need to log in. Or swing by today's post on my Facebook profile.

Thank you in advance for continuing to help shape this project!