Training Spaces: Faith & Leadership

Training Spaces: Faith & Leadership
Screenshot from a recent Faith & Leadership cover story about how to talk about climate change

This week I'm going to keep things brief so I can skill up for a new format I'd like to try.

I'm going to be sharing spaces / communities / repositories / publications where you can get strong, often free or low-cost ideas and training in formation, leadership, and more.

One of the outlets I admire most in this space is Faith & Leadership, a publication from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity that serves as "a learning resource for Christian leaders and their institutions."

What I appreciate most about Faith & Leadership is that you often get quite in-depth profiles (both first person and third person) that serve as concrete accounts of initiatives and approaches that are working in particular contexts.

I love numerical data, but I've made many of my most important professional decisions based on the conviction that detailed storytelling and careful attention to context give us really important wisdom for discernment about what those numbers seem to be telling us and how to put the insights to work in practical ways.

I think this is a conviction I share with this fine publication. Subscribe for free if you don't already!